How Vintage Makeup Trends Are Making A Comeback?

It’s not a secret that there’s something undeniably captivating about the timeless elegance of vintage makeup. From the smoky eyes of the 1920s to the bold red lips of the 1950s and the grungy vibes of the 1990s, the allure of bygone eras has made a dazzling comeback in cosmetics.

What vintage makeup trends have come back?

Several vintage makeup trends have made a remarkable comeback in recent years. Here are some of the iconic vintage makeup styles that are back in vogue:

Red Lips (1920s and 1950s)

The classic red lip look, popularized in the 1920s by flappers and again in the 1950s by Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe, continues to be a timeless trend. It adds a touch of sophistication and glamor to any look.

Cat-Eye Eyeliner (1950s)

The winged eyeliner look, often associated with the elegance and grace of the 1950s, has returned triumphantly to the forefront of makeup trends. This timeless style is beloved for its ability to elongate the eyes and inject retro charm into modern makeup routines.

Bold Brows (1950s and 1980s)

Thick, well-defined brows reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in the 1950s and Brooke Shields in the 1980s have become a beauty staple. The trend emphasizes the natural shape of the brows while keeping them full and lush.

makeup routines

Smoky Eyes (1920s and 1960s)

Smoky eyes have never really gone out of style, but they’ve been reinterpreted in various ways. The dark, sultry look from the 1920s and the mod, graphic, smoky eyes of the 1960s continue to inspire makeup artists and enthusiasts.

Glitter and Shimmer (1970s and 1990s)

The disco era’s love for glitter and shimmer has resurfaced. Sparkling eyeshadows, metallic lip glosses, and highlighters have gained popularity for adding a touch of vintage glamor.

Winged Eyeshadow (1960s)

Bold, graphic eyeshadow shapes and colorful eyeliners inspired by the 1960s have returned. These playful and artistic eye looks have gained a following among makeup enthusiasts.

Blushing Cheeks (1920s and 1940s)

The soft, flushed cheeks seen in the 1920s and the rosy, pinched cheeks of the 1940s have reemerged. Blush is used to create a youthful, healthy flush on the cheeks.

These vintage makeup trends have been reinterpreted and integrated into modern makeup routines. Many enjoy experimenting with these classic styles and adapting them to suit their unique preferences and contemporary aesthetics.